Spring Techno is an IT company located in the Germany. The SME develops state-of- the-art software and cutting-edge products which are easily extendable and customizable. Main areas of expertise are data analysis and data visualization technologies. Spring Techno develops intelligent algorithms for modelling, prediction and visual analytics. The company combines all these technologies into Business Intelligence (BI) solutions and Decision Support Systems (DSS).

Stefan Burkard
Geschäftsführer, CTO
Stefan Burkard is a graduate engineer in computer sciences with a focus on software development, process measuring and control technology. From 1993 to 1996 he worked at the university of applied science Bielefeld (Germany), where he was responsible for the project ‘New technologies in electric powered mobility’. He worked for 5 years as software developer for German “Telekom”, developing client front-ends and server based communication control and big data processing. He developed several business software projects for the financial industry with the areas Data Mining and Machine Learning. CTO of Spring Techno since 2003, he is responsible for IT and software projects. These projects include the areas server, client and mobile application development (covering data processing, representation, visualisation and interfaces) as well as software-hardware communication (Internet of things).

Holger Arndt
Geschäftsführer, Managing Director
Holger Arndt (M) is Managing Director at Spring Techno with 10+ years of experience in international R&D projects. His work focuses on pattern recognition, machine learning, trading system development and visual analytics. For Spring Techno, he designed the concept of three-dimensional media interfaces. He is author of several publications about financial market analysis and stock- and futures market trading, based on pattern classification. He has co-authored a book on technical market analysis and mechanical trading (Erfolgreich mit eigenen Handelssystemen. Finanzbuchverlag, 2005). He also developed algorithm-based automated trading strategies for Hedge Funds and brokers. He was guest lecturer at the Technical University of Stettin (Poland), implementing a proprietary stock market analysis system for scientific teaching purposes. In 2002, he received the M.Sc. degree in cultural sciences from the University of Hildesheim, Germany. Before co-founding Spring Techno, he worked with the German TV (MDR) as an editorial journalist for scientific and cultural topics. He is currently involved in the Horizon 2020 projects INFORE and SmartDataLake and in the PENTA Project SERENE_IoT. At Spring Techno, he is responsible for product and business development, and for the management of national and European projects.

Scientific publications are a core part of the Research and Development program of Spring Techno. These include papers on fall detection – fall prevention algorithms and systems as well as large-scale statistical research on healthy ageing parameters.
Erfolgreich mit eigenen Handelssystemen
Holger Arndt and Stefan Burkard, the heads of Spring Techno, published a book about trading systems in 2006.
Summary (German):
Nimm ein vorhandenes System und mach es zu deinem eigenen!«
Unter diesem Motto ermutigen die Autoren Holger Arndt und Stefan Burkard den Leser dazu, Handelssysteme zu verändern und neu zu kombinieren. Handelssysteme bestehen aus möglichst fest definierten Regeln. Aus diesem Grund bilden sie die Basis zu festgelegten Verkaufs- und Kaufpositionen. Aber warum die Nächte mit Systemanalysen verbringen, wenn sich schon andere die Mühe gemacht haben,
Kombinationen von Indikatoren und Tradingregeln zu erforschen? In diesem Buch lancieren die Autoren für Sie reichhaltiges Material mit einer Vielzahl komplett offen gelegter Systeme. Dem interessierten Leser werden anhand von Beispielen, detaillierten Ratschlägen und Techniken die Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, Handelssysteme selbst zu erstellen, umzuwandeln und zu testen.
Die durch Arndt und Burkard vorgestellten Tools und Techniken lassen sich problemlos auf alle Märkte übertragen und werden Ihre Risiken begrenzen und Ihre Profite maximieren.
“Erfolgreich mit eigenen Handelssystemen, Modularer Aufbau, Equity trading, Position Sizing”, Holger Arndt, Stefan Burkard, Finanzbuchverlag, 2005, ISBN 3-89879-127-0
Scientific Papers
1. Holger Arndt, Stefan Burkard: “Erfolgreich mit eigenen Handelssystemen (Successful with Proprietary Trading Systems)”, FinanzBuch Verlag, October 2005. ISBN-10: 3898791270 – Pattern recognition in the financial markets. 2. Caballero, F.F et al. “Advanced analytical methodologies for measuring healthy ageing and its determinants, using factor analysis and machine learning techniques: the ATHLOS project”. Sci. Rep. 7, 43955; doi: 10.1038/srep43955 (2017). 3. Jeff Hausdorff, et al. “A new gait analysis tool for the assessment of fall risk in older adults”, International Society for Posture & Gait Research, 2014. 4. Monica Casey, et al. “Wireless Insole for Independent and Safe Elderly Living: the development and testing of a prototype”, International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Zurich, Switzerland, 2014. 5. Di Rosa M., Stara V., Rossi L., Reixach E., Garcia Paredes J. and Burkard S. (2015) “A Wireless Sensor Insole to Collect and Analyse Gait Data in Real Environment: The WIISEL Project” In: Ando, B., Siciliano, P., Marletta, V., Monteriù, A. (Eds.) “Ambient Assisted Living Italian Forum 2014”, pp. 71-80, Springer, NY 6. Engchuan W. et al.: Health status using machine learning and ELSA, Med Sci Monit, 2019; 25: 1994-2001 7. Gialluisi, Alessandro & Di Castelnuovo, Augusto & Donati, Maria & de gaetano, giovanni & Iacoviello, Licia. (2019). Machine Learning Approaches for the Estimation of Biological Aging: The Road Ahead for Population Studies. Frontiers in Medicine. 6. 146. 10.3389/fmed.2019.00146. |
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